Get pampered at a magic nail salon during bath time with this low-maintenance game!
I’m not one to get my nails painted at a regular salon, but I give this bath time magic nail salon five stars!
This activity was fun for my seven-year-old stepdaughter, 18-month-old son, and ME.
Here’s how we played:
1. I washed two old makeup brushes with dish soap.
I washed them because the makeup on them was OLD. I pretty much stopped makeup during the pandemic. And, apparently, I’m not alone!
Any kind of little paintbrushes would work great for this, too!
2. I placed the paintbrushes on the edge of the tub and said,
“Hey Aliya. I’m going to grab your towel real quick. I hope no customers come while I’m gone…”
3. I pop around the corner to grab the towel, then pop right back in, but this time I’m in character as the first customer.
Here’s who visited the magic nail salon:
- An over-the-top, bubbly, very excited mother-of-the-bride who wanted some extra special nails for her daughter’s wedding.
- A soft-spoken girl who loved cats and wanted her nails to look like claws.
- An enthusiastic farmer who wanted her nails painted the colors of all the different fruits and veggies
- A sarcastic, emo chick who “didn’t really care. Whatever.”
- A nervous lady who was allergic to colors and really just wanted her nails painted clear.
- The last customer got a pedicure!

4. Kiddos (yes, even my toddler!) “painted” my nails with the bath water and the makeup brushes.
Well, my stepdaughter worked on my nails. My son was smacking the paintbrush all over my face and arms, but we just worked it into the game. He played his usual role of “the assistant” who is still training and is a little clumsy. But he gets away with it because he’s so cute.
Here’s where the “magic” part of the nail salon was invented. My stepdaughter came up with the idea all on her own:
All of the colors for the “nail polish” came from the brushes touching other random items we had in the bath and magically absorbing their colors.
“Corn yellow,” from the fake corn on the cob. “Beach ball blue.” “Rainbow,” from ALL the random bath toys still lying in the bath from the night before.
That was the magic part for me — just using all the random objects and bath toys that I didn’t feel like cleaning up from the previous bath!

As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I only recommend items I actually use and enjoy.
By the way, that non-slip mat pictured above is the best! I spent a lot of time researching the best nontoxic, mold-resistant option and this one has not disappointed.
(Just be sure to hang it on the edge of the tub each night to prevent mold growth. Because even the most “mold-resistant” ones will get nasty if they’re always left in the tub. Don’t ask how I know…)
5. Once the final satisfied customer left, I popped back out and in one last time and said (in my normal voice),
“Hey! I’m back with your towel. Did I miss anything?”
My stepdaughter said, “YES!!! You missed like 20 customers! We were SO busy!!”
“What??” I cry. “I missed it? I was only gone for like two seconds!”
I love having the end of the bath be part of the game in this way. It helps eliminate power struggles during the transition into the rest of bedtime.
This game, as well as our other fun bath time ideas could also be great outdoor water games with a water table or kiddie pool this summer!
Other ideas for fun connection at bath time:
Do you have any imaginative bath games that your kids love? Share with us in the comments!

Hi! I’m Mia.
Mom, stepmom, wife, songwriter, performer, and theater educator.
I love sharing ideas, tips, and templates for connecting with kids through low-to-no budget, waste-free, creative play.
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[…] Magic Nail Salon: Super Fun And Easy Bath Game […]