Playfulness isn’t just important for connecting with kids.
Being playful can be a valuable asset for adult relationships, too. Both personal and professional.
When others don’t take themselves too seriously, it helps us loosen up and feel free to be ourselves as well.
But, what if being silly and playful doesn’t come naturally to you?
So many factors can impact our ability to access that playful side. Upbringing. Life stressors. Trauma.
Regardless, I do believe playfulness can be a learned (or re-learned) skill.
That concept led me to an idea. How can I be inspired by the most playful adults I know? What tips might they have?
I immediately knew who to ask first:
My amazing, playful friend, Robby Stone.
(Known and loved in Nashville as “Robby The Realtor”)
Robby and I became instant friends when we realized how much we both loved to laugh and just be ridiculous together.
Here’s his vibe, in a nutshell:
Robby has played many roles in my life.
- ✅ Dear friend.
- ✅ Realtor (Nashville folks: he’s incredible at his job… more on this in a bit).
- ✅ Marriage officiant
- ✅ And most importantly: my go-to person for all things creative, funny, and ridiculous.
For example, Robby and I put together some musical parodies for his real estate listings and had a BLAST.
I will always drop everything on my to-do list for the chance to be silly with him.
Fun fact: Every time one us answers the phone, we say, “Ohhhh myyyy Gossssh?” just like Kristen Wigg’s “Sue” character on SNL.
What’s that? You want to see our parody videos? Okay… twist my arm!
Robby also sends all his clients an annual calendar with his face hilariously photoshopped into every picture.
See examples below, along with some photos I am just including for my own amusement.

You love him too, now. Right? Yeah. Thought so!
Here’s my interview with Robby, including his three tips on how to be a more playful adult:
You are, without a doubt, the most playful, fun person to be around.
Not just out of the people that I personally know. Like, in the world. I’m certain.
Have you always been like this?
ME?!?! Stop it! Go on! I mean quit it! Seriously, though. 😉
I do think my childlike wonder and desire for fun has always been part of who I am.
Maybe it began as some unrealized coping mechanism from years of suppressing parts of who I am. Trying my hardest to keep things light and playful out of fear. But I’m glad it’s stuck around into my more vulnerable and honest adulthood, too.
I also feel it’s a learned skill, perhaps. When you realize that most things in life can be approached with a bit less seriousness and a whole lot more fun, the fear of exploring “play” or thinking you might be too old for it evaporates.
Life has plenty of difficult moments, so I really try to stay in the habit of enjoying the parts that I’m able to enjoy.
I also feel it’s a learned skill, perhaps. When you realize that most things in life can be approached with a bit less seriousness and a whole lot more fun, the fear of exploring “play” or thinking you might be too old for it evaporates.
Do you remember the first silly thing we did together?
ABSOLUTELY! It was the first time we ever met when you filled in as a background vocalist for the cover band I sang with.
We had fun during the show, for sure, but it was after things wrapped up that it really got hilarious.
There were MASSIVE floral arrangements packed with roses, and we immediately thought it’d be hilarious to try and stick as many roses as we could possibly stuff into your hair to create a giant bouquet on your head.
Needless to say, it was wildly successful, and those are some of my favorite photos of you ever!

What top childhood memories come to your mind right away? Do you have any vivid memories of creative, imaginary play?
My childhood included SO much time for exploration, fun, and creativity, and it’s something I’m incredibly thankful for.
My neighborhood friend group would play CONSTANTLY.
Summer nights of spotlight tag, days of jumping on trampolines, exploring the woods behind our homes, zip-lining from the treehouse my dad built for me, sledding for hours on snow days, and so much more.
We had surprising amounts of freedom for our age, which may have been because we were all the youngest children in our families. We took full advantage of it in the best ways.
Having such carefree and strong friendships so early on cemented the incredible value of that kind of relationship for me.
Did your parents or other adults engage in creative, imaginary play with you often throughout your childhood? Were they playful?
Both of my parents are pretty playful individuals who enjoy the fun in life.
They’re also pretty creative individuals. My dad was a professional musician for most of my childhood. And my mom is very naturally gifted at artistic endeavors from painting to sewing to singing.
Growing up in a home where music was not only something to be enjoyed but was also a way to make a living gave the arts a power that other kids may not have been exposed to.
It opened the door to the idea that the arts can be more than just a hobby. And my parents definitely encouraged our appreciation for the arts. They valued how play kept our family laughing.
My parents definitely encouraged our appreciation for the arts and valued how play kept our family laughing.
You and I have always been willing to drop whatever we’re doing and make time for playful silliness.
Recording a ridiculous parody. Texting hilarious what-if situations back and forth. We always know the other person is up for it.
Why is making time for this kind of silliness important to you?
I’m sure it’s partially because of how important our relationship is to me and how rare it is to find someone who so closely connects with our personal sense of humor.
Knowing how hard you’re laughing on the other end of a text gives me so much joy.
Also, laughter is such good medicine for our world these days. Our silly moments give me a HUGE dose to keep me going.
Laughter is such good medicine for our world these days. Our silly moments give me a HUGE dose to keep me going.
I try really hard to make room for the things I choose to do simply because I want to do them. Having fun, laughing, and creating hilarious memories are top of the list for me, and making time for them is easy.
Those moments are what life is about. I couldn’t get through the “have to” moments if I didn’t have plenty of “get to” moments in there with them.
Having fun, laughing, and creating hilarious memories are top of the list for me, and making time for them is easy. Those moments are what life is about.
What’s our rule when filming something funny?
If it doesn’t make us laugh, then it doesn’t make the cut. That rule has never failed us.
Working in real estate can be taxing, especially for someone as busy and successful as yourself.
You made time to play an epic game of hide-and-seek with our family during our final walk-through.
You cracked jokes and kept us smiling, even through the most stressful moments of the process.
It never seems like you’re faking it. How do you balance stressful situations while genuinely keeping that playful nature?
Honestly, this has taken some work. I can be empathetic to a fault sometimes. When I first started in real estate, every hiccup or disappointment weighed HEAVILY on me.
I reached a point where I had to train myself to not take on the full stress of every situation. I’ve learned when it’s probably time to simply let things fall into place as they will.
I have tough days just like anyone in any job and am not my best self 100% of the time. But managing stress is become vital in an industry that comes with plenty of highs and lows.
How have being playful and creative helped you in your career and relationships?
I don’t think I would be where I am today professionally or personally without the injection of playfulness and creativity in my life.
People enjoy being in situations that are fun and playful, no matter their age.
I didn’t come from a real estate background and wasn’t really aware of “the way things are done.” I knew it could be a stuffy, serious business, though, and I wasn’t planning to follow that route.
Parody videos, creative marketing, and not taking myself too seriously ended up being a massive part of establishing my place in the Nashville market. It also distinguished my business from others who might have had more experience and robust resumes.
It also set the tone for how I run my business and the expectations of those who choose to work with me. I love that the brand I’ve created draws in the type of clients who appreciate what I uniquely offer (and likely deters those who may not be a fit for my business).
I’ve not done everything right, and there’ve been PLENTY of growth opportunities along the road. But choosing to throw in a good dose of fun and creativity in my business is something I would never change.
People enjoy being in situations that are fun and playful, no matter their age.
Okay, drumroll…
What are your top three tips for adults who want to access their playful side but aren’t sure how?
1. Start small and be authentic.
Take time to sit with yourself and consider “what makes me happy?” or “what gives me life and energy?” Then… DO THOSE THINGS!
Being fun and playful doesn’t mean you have to be the life of the party.
It might look like going to play a board game with a friend, doing pottery, or putting on some loud music and dancing alone in your house. Who cares what it is!
2. Don’t compare yourself to others.
Play looks different for everyone, and it’s about tapping into what you find fun personally.
3. Give your playful side time to grow. Observe how you feel.
The more you tap into your playful side, the more you’ll see the value it brings. And the more you’ll recognize the opportunities to infuse play into your everyday life.
Take time to sit with yourself and consider… “What gives me life and energy?”
So, there you have it! Tips from the playful pro, himself!
I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Robby. Let me know in the comments if any of this resonated with you, or if you have tips of your own!
Oh… and Nashville friends. If you ever need a realtor, you can see why I recommend Robby. You can keep up with him and/or get in contact here: @robbytherealtor
Want some EASY, concrete ideas of no-prep, playful things you can try today? Click here to subscribe and receive an email with my top three ideas.

Hi! I’m Mia.
Mom, stepmom, wife, songwriter, performer, and theater educator.
I love sharing ideas, tips, and templates for connecting with kids through low-to-no budget, waste-free, creative play.
I’ve always been more of a serious person but I ended up with the goofiest daughter ever. I love these tips. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for reading, Jess! I hope some of the goofy activities on this blog are fun for BOTH of you! 🙂